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Fundraising for #health4ukraine


Dear Sirs,

the suffering and helplessness of the people in Ukraine leave us all speechless, but not inactive. The willingness to help is unbroken worldwide. Thousands of relief actions are launched every day. #health4ukraine has been there from the start. The initiative takes care of the disadvantaged – those who are often “forgotten” in such crises: people with physical and mental disabilities and those in need of care ( ).

A few days after the start of the war, #health4ukraine can already look back on a long list of successful transports and mediations and has been recognized by both the Ukrainian embassy and the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany as being particularly worthy of support. The initiative bears the transport costs of people in need of care to the care facility with the help of many donors.

But unfortunately that's not enough.

Fortunately, we now have the opportunity to receive your monetary donation via a specially set up Caritas donation account. Your donation helps us, for example, to buy fuel for the transport, food and everyday necessities for the needy. Furthermore, we support a Polish collective accommodation with your donations, in which those in need of care are housed until they are picked up. Your donation goes directly to the needy people in the war zone of Ukraine.

Please donate under the keyword health4ukraine by bank transfer to the following account:


Raiffeisen-Volksbank Miltenberg eG

Account owner:

Caritas social station St. Johannes eV


DE23 5086 3513 0603 2650 05




health4ukraine (please always state)

Caritas social station St. Johannes eV

For every donation, the Caritas Sozialstation St. Johannes eV will send you a thank you letter and optionally a certificate that you can submit to your tax office. Please also enter your address in the intended use field.

Thank you and all the best to you.

Yours, Christine Vogler, Sascha Platen, Björn Zeien (the initiators of health4ukraine)

Who is health4ukraine?

A private initiative by Christine Vogler, Sascha Platen, Björn Zeien and countless supporters from their influential networks health h and Deutscher Pflegerat.

See also :

Any questions?

Feel free to contact us at:




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